28 Bible Verses about Tithing and Offerings

28 Bible Verses about Tithing and Offerings (With Commentary)

Wondering how much to give to your church or a charity? The Bible talks about tithing. That means you give 10 percent of what you earn. This blog looks at important Bible parts that talk about giving tithes and offerings.

Let’s get started!

The Principle of Tithing

An oil painting style image that depicts a scene of ancient people giving parts of their crops and animals as tithes to God. The image shows a group of people carrying baskets of fruits, grains, and vegetables, and leading sheep, goats, and cows to a large tent in the background. The people are dressed in colorful robes and turbans, and have happy expressions on their faces.

Tithing means giving one-tenth of what you earn to God. The Bible first talks about this in Genesis 28:20-22Leviticus 27:30 also mentions it, calling this tenth part holy to the Lord.

Long ago, people gave parts of their crops and animals as tithes, not just money. This was their way to honor God and support those working at the tent of meeting, like the Levites.

Giving a tenth showed trust in God’s care and thankfulness for His blessings.

This practice helped people remember that everything comes from God. It also kept them close to Him by sharing what they had with others who served Him, like the Levites in the old days.

Leviticus 27:30

"A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD."

Leviticus 27:30 says that the tithe, or ten percent of what our land makes, like seeds or fruits, is holy and for the Lord. This rule shows us firstfruits from grain to fruit are special gifts to God.

It tells us how giving part of what we grow was important long ago in Israel.

The Bible makes clear that tithes are different from freewill offerings. Freewill offerings are gifts we choose to give, but tithes are a set part meant just for God. This practice helps us remember all good things come from God and it’s important to give back as thanks.

Numbers 18:26

"Speak to the Levites and say to them: 'When you receive from the Israelites the tithe I give you as your inheritance, you must present a tenth of that tithe as the LORD’s offering."

Numbers 18:26 speaks to the Levites. It says they must take a tenth of what they receive from the Israelites and give it to God as an offering. This part is their pay for working in the tabernacle.

Then, the Levites give a tenth of this tithe to Aaron, the High Priest.

This method helps support God’s servants and ensures leaders of worship get offerings. It creates a giving cycle in the community, showing stewardship and duty among Levi’s descendants.

Each step stresses supporting God’s work through planned giving.

Deuteronomy 14:22

"Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year."

Deuteronomy 14:22 tells us about tithing. Tithing means giving ten percent of what you grow, such as grain, wine, and oil, to God every year. It’s a way to say thank you and help with God’s work.

You should take your tithe to the place where you worship God. The Bible explains it’s not just about food—it’s also about sharing what you have with Him. Enjoying some of this food there allows you to join in celebration with family and friends before God.

Genesis 14:20

"And praise be to God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand. Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything."

Abram beat the four kings from the east and took back all the stolen goods. He gave ten percent of everything to Melchizedek, a priest of God. This was Abram’s way of honoring God.

It showed he followed God’s rules.

The story in Genesis 14:20 teaches us that tithing is an act of worship and respect for God’s authority. By giving a tithe to Melchizedek, who stood for God, Abram showed his blessings came from something bigger than himself.

This sets an example for tithing among believers today.

Offerings of Gratitude

An oil painting style image that depicts a scene of people giving offerings to thank God. The image shows a group of people holding various items, such as flowers, fruits, bread, coins, and jewelry, and placing them on a wooden altar in front of a church. The people have grateful and joyful expressions on their faces, and some of them are kneeling or bowing. The image has a soft and warm tone, with a sunny sky and a green field.

People give offerings to thank God. It’s their choice, unlike tithes, which are required. Offerings help people show they rely on and appreciate God. They’re a way to worship by celebrating what God has given.

The Bible mentions giving in several parts. Deuteronomy 16:17 tells us to give based on our blessings from God. This means showing thanks through actions, not just words. The amount doesn’t matter as much as the joy in giving, according to 2 Corinthians 9:7.

Deuteronomy 16:17

"Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you."

Deuteronomy 16:17 says everyone must bring an offering. The size depends on the blessings from God. This teaches us to be thankful and trust Him. It’s about knowing all we have is from God – our power, things, and wins.

Giving offerings shows we see His place in our lives. It’s a choice, led by our feelings of what’s right. It mirrors our walk with God. Whether big or small, the important part is wanting to honor God with His gifts to us.

2 Corinthians 9:7

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7 says giving should come from the heart, not because you feel you must. This is key for tithing and offerings. Your attitude is important. Give freely and with joy as a way to show love and thanks to God.

It’s about what’s right in your heart.

Psalm 50:14

"Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High."

Psalm 50:14 tells us to thank God with our sacrifices. It’s not just about tithing or animal offerings. Showing gratitude is key. Keeping promises shows we respect and are honest with God.

This verse also says to call on God in tough times. He will help and bring honor to those who do. This highlights the importance of prayer and faithfulness in our relationship with God.

Leviticus 22:29

"When you sacrifice a thank offering to the LORD, sacrifice it in such a way that it will be accepted on your behalf."

Leviticus 22:29 tells us to give a thank offering to the Lord. We must offer our best. This shows giving as a sacred duty, not just an act. It’s important for priests too, as they handle holy offerings.

They need to honor God with the finest parts of what they have, making sure their gifts are special and pure.

Blessings for Obedience

An oil painting style image that depicts a scene of blessings for obedience. The image shows a family of four standing outside their house, holding hands and smiling. They are surrounded by signs of abundance and prosperity, such as a lush garden, a well-fed cow, a basket of eggs, and a pile of firewood.

Tithing is showing you’re willing to follow and give freely. This act brings blessings from God. Jacob promised to give a part of what he got back to God. His faith led to more good things coming his way.

When we give tithes and offerings, we’re making a promise with God.

God rewards those who give tithes and offerings faithfully. The Bible has many stories where giving led to help and safety from God. By giving, we trust in His promise to bless us.

Malachi 3:10

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

Malachi 3:10 says to bring all tithes into the storehouse for food in God’s house. This verse promises that if we do, God will bless us more than we can handle. It warns against holding back tithes and offerings, calling it stealing from God.

Malachi tells the Israelites and us that not giving to God’s work is wrong. But those who give as told can expect big rewards. Trusting this command brings great benefits.

Proverbs 3:9-10

"Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine."

Proverbs 3:9-10 tells us to honor the Lord with our wealth and first fruits. This means giving God part of what we earn, showing we trust Him. Trusting God with our resources leads to blessings, like health and success.

It’s not about how much we give. Instead, it focuses on giving with the right attitude for God’s glory. Honor God truly with your wealth, and He will bless every area of your life.

2 Chronicles 31:5

"As soon as the order went out, the Israelites generously gave the firstfruits of their grain, new wine, olive oil and honey and all that the fields produced. They brought a great amount, a tithe of everything."

King Hezekiah led the people to give firstfruits like grain, new wine, oil, honey, and more. This act was different from times with bad kings. Their gifts helped temple worship and showed they obeyed God.

When 2 Chronicles 31:5 talks about this moment, it’s big news. The Israelites brought their tithes to make temple services better again. These offerings were important for worshiping God right.

The community came together with generosity and faithfulness to support God’s work.

Luke 6:38

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Luke 6:38 talks about the importance of giving. It says when we give a lot, we get back even more. This idea isn’t just about money but also being kind and helpful to others with what we have.

Giving more means getting more blessings. Luke 6:38 tells us that being generous leads to having plenty. It reminds us to be like Jesusgiving without expecting anything in return.

Generosity Encouraged

An oil painting style image that depicts a scene of helping the poor is like helping God. The image shows a group of people wearing simple clothes and carrying bags of food, clothes, and books, and distributing them to a crowd of poor and needy people in a slum area. The poor people have hopeful and thankful expressions on their faces, and some of them are hugging or shaking hands with the helpers. The image has a contrast between the dark and gloomy tone of the slum and the bright and cheerful tone of the helpers and their gifts.

Giving is important. Acts 20:35 and 2 Corinthians 9:6 tell us giving more than we get shows love and helps people in need. Jesus said giving makes us happy. Proverbs 11:24-25 explains sharing with the poor brings real joy to our lives.

Helping the poor is like helping God, says Proverbs 19:17. He rewards kindness. Being generous fights poverty and shares happiness. The Bible tells us to keep our hearts open and hands ready to assist others around us.

Acts 20:35

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’"

Acts 20:35 shares a powerful message from Jesus through Paul. It tells us giving brings more joy than keeping everything for ourselves. This idea isn’t just nice; it’s backed by the Bible.

The act of giving helps both the person who gives and the one who gets.

This teaching highlights how important generosity is. By sharing what we have, we get to mirror God’s biggest gift to us—sending His Son to cover our sins. Following this path leads to blessings in our lives, showing true generosity beats collecting wealth every time.

2 Corinthians 9:6

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."

2 Corinthians 9:6 teaches us to sow generously. This means, if you give a lot, you get more blessings back. It’s not only about money but also showing trust in God. The key here is generosity leads to more rewards.

Giving should make us happy, not something we feel forced to do. When we give with a smile, it shows strong faith in God. Gifts given freely bring joy and good things in return. This way of giving reflects Christ’s love and lets us spread kindness.

By sharing generously, we connect with others and become part of a bigger story. Our actions can create waves of support and care within our communities.

Proverbs 11:24-25

"One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

Proverbs 11:24-25 says giving freely brings prosperityGenerosity leads to blessings for ourselves and others. Christians should be kind and supportive. This kindness creates a cycle of support and success.

Our willingness to share is key to our well-being.

Proverbs 19:17

"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done."

Helping the poor is like giving to God, as mentioned in Proverbs 19:17. God sees this act of kindness and rewards it. This teaches us an important lesson about faith: being generous to those in need is a way to serve God.

Such generosity brings us closer to what God wants and allows His blessings to flow into our lives.

Stewardship and Responsibility

An oil painting style image that depicts a scene of God wanting us to manage money well, for His glory. The image shows a man sitting at a desk, holding a ledger and a pen, and looking at a pile of coins and bills on his table, and a cross necklace around his neck.

God wants us to manage money well, for His glory. Our money is really His. Tithing — giving part of our money to God — shows we trust Him.

Families in the Bible gave freely, as much as they could. Their offerings helped fix God’s house. This was their way of worshiping and showing trust in God’s plans for their gifts.

1 Chronicles 29:14

"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand."

1 Chronicles 29:14 teaches that everything we own is a gift from God. Giving back to Him means returning what He has given us. This verse reminds us to give with joy and thankfulness.

We learn to manage well and show gratitude when we share with God. This act highlights seeing God as the giver of all good things, pushing us to be free in giving because it’s also His gift to us.

Matthew 25:21

"His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’"

Matthew 25:21 is a story from Jesus. It’s about a boss and his worker. The worker did well with a little, so the boss gave him more. This teaches us to use what we have wisely. If we do, God will give us more.

The Bible tells this story to show giving and managing well matters. When we are faithful, God notices and rewards us. It’s like getting a “well done” for using our money, time, or skills wisely.

Luke 12:48

"But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."

Luke 12:48 tells us something important about blessings and responsibility. It says if you’ve been given a lot, you’ll be expected to do a lot with it. This idea is about using what we have to help others and honor God.

The verse comes from a story Jesus told about servants looking after their master’s house. He wanted us to know that having more means we should share more.

This message also warns of the challenges Christ’s coming brings, like family divisions. But the main point is clear—great blessings mean greater duties. We must use our resources wisely, always ready to serve and give back, just as the disciples did in their time serving God’s purpose.

1 Peter 4:10

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."

1 Peter 4:10 talks about using God’s gifts wisely. Everyone gets special abilities from God. These should help people in the church. It’s a way to show love and honor God.

We need to be careful with our spiritual talents. The verse tells us to love deeply, pray often, and stay controlled. This makes us good servants to others and pleases God.

Supporting God’s Work

An oil painting style image that depicts a scene of God's house needing support. Bringing the first fruits to God's temple. This means giving part of what we have to help with God’s work. The image shows a woman carrying a basket of ripe and colorful fruits, and walking towards a large and majestic temple in the distance. She has a cheerful and generous expression on her face, and a scarf around her head. Around her, other people are also bringing their offerings to the temple, such as flowers, grains, and animals. The image has a vibrant and lively tone, with a blue sky and a green valley.

God’s house needs support, and the Bible shows us how through tithing and offerings. Nehemiah 10:35 talks about bringing the first fruits to God’s temple. This means giving part of what we have to help with God’s work.

In Exodus 35:29, people brought gifts from their hearts to build the tabernacle. It shows that everyone has something valuable to offer.

1 Corinthians 16:2 tells us to set aside a sum of money on the first day of every week for God’s work, according to what we have gained. Acts 4:34-35 mentions believers sharing everything they had so no one was in need.

This teaches us generosity – giving helps meet others’ needs and supports God’s mission. It’s not just about money; it’s about caring for each other and spreading love through our actions.

Nehemiah 10:35

"We also assume responsibility for bringing to the house of the Lord each year the firstfruits of our crops and of every fruit tree."

Nehemiah 10:35 shows people gave part of their crops to the Levites. They did this to support priests and Levites with food like fruits, wine, and oil. This act was a big promise made with Nehemiah.

It showed that giving was important and came straight from the heart.

They also shared fruit. This meant many types of gifts were good. Giving was about showing love for those working for God. It was supposed to be happy and willing—an act of genuine generosity.

Exodus 35:29

"All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the Lord freewill offerings for all the work the Lord through Moses had commanded them to do."

People in Exodus 35:29 gave gifts for the tabernacle. They wanted to honor God. They gave things like gold dishes and bowls without being asked. Their gifts were signs of joy for God’s work.

Everyone was happy to help make the tabernacle beautiful with pure gold items.

1 Corinthians 16:2

"On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made."

1 Corinthians 16:2 tells Christians to save a part of their money every Sunday for the church. This is a planned way to give, showing we are thankful and want to help others. It says our gifts should be as big as our blessings are, knowing everyone’s situation is different.

Sunday stands out as a key time for giving with purpose. It goes beyond just feeling good, aiming at an important part of worship—giving back and saying thank you for what we have.

Acts 4:34-35

"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need."

Acts 4:34-35 shows a special kind of giving. People sold their land and houses. They gave the money to the apostles to help those who needed it. This act showed true worship and care for others.

The passage tells us being generous is not just for the rich. It’s about helping people around us. This is what real godliness looks like.

Heart and Motivation

An oil painting style image that depicts a scene of people giving offerings from the heart to thank God. The image shows a group of people holding various items, such as flowers, fruits, bread, coins, and jewelry, and placing them on a wooden altar in front of a church. The people have grateful and joyful expressions on their faces, and some of them are kneeling or bowing.

Matthew 6:21 tells us our treasure shows where our heart is. What we value reveals our true feelings. Giving matters to God, but it’s the thought behind it that counts, not the amount.

2 Corinthians 9:7 says giving should be from the heart and not forced. If we give because we want to, it makes God happy. This kind of giving is joyful and shows what motivates us truly.

Matthew 6:21

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Matthew 6:21 shows giving is about more than money. It’s where we put our love and effort. Investing in helping others and living right means God is important to us.

Giving through tithes and offerings is not just a rule. It shows our relationship with God. By giving, we follow God and value eternal things over what’s here today and gone tomorrow.

2 Corinthians 8:12

"For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have."

God sees our heart when we give. It’s not about how much we have, but our willingness to share. This idea is a key part of Paul’s message to believers. He tells us that grace helps us be generous, even when we don’t have much.

Having a cheerful spirit while giving supports God’s work best. Paul reminds us it’s the thought and joy in giving that matter most to God. We learn being ready and happy to give what we can truly counts.

Every time we choose to give with a good heart, we follow what God wants for His people. Even with little, showing generosity aligns with His wishes.

Mark 12:41-44

"Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.’"

Jesus watched people give money at the temple. A poor widow gave two small coins, just a few cents. Yet, she gave all she had. Jesus told His disciples this was more valuable than the large gifts from the rich.

The rich gave from their wealth, but she gave everything, showing true trust in God.

Her giving teaches us a lesson about generosity and faith. It’s not how much we give that matters to Jesus, but our heart and willingness to give everything we have—just like the widow showed with her action.

1 Timothy 6:17-19

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."

Paul tells rich people not to think too highly of themselves or trust in their money. Instead, he says they should hope in God, who gives us everything. Riches can go away fast, but trusting in God brings real safety and joy.

Paul wants them to do good things with what they have—be ready to share and willing to give. This way, they’re storing up treasures for the future, aiming for a life that’s truly about living well.

By sharing and being generous, those with wealth can fight greed and find happiness in giving. Paul makes it clear—it’s not about having a lot of money; it’s how you use it that counts.

Being rich in good deeds is worth more than any bank account. Through these actions, we take hold of life that really matters—a life filled with purpose and love for others.

What Does the Bible Say about Tithing and Offerings?

The Bible says that giving one-tenth of your income, or tithing, honors God. Leviticus 27:30 tells us this part of what we earn is actually God’s and is special. Offerings are different – they are gifts from the heart and don’t have a set amount.

If you don’t tithe, it’s like stealing from God (Malachi 3:10). The Bible teaches that supporting God’s work with tithes and offerings brings blessings. Proverbs 3:9-10 links honoring the Lord with wealth to having plenty.

Giving in these ways shows faith in God looking after us.


Tithing shows we trust God with our money. The Bible says to give happily, not because we must. It’s about loving God with what we have. Our gifts help His work grow.

Giving is key in the Bible. It teaches us to be cheerful givers and focus on why we give, not just doing it as a rule. This way, we honor God and support His mission.

Let’s remember, our offerings make a big difference. Every bit counts in spreading God’s message and love around the world.


1. What does the Bible say about tithing and offerings?

The Bible talks a lot about giving back through tithes and offerings, teaching that it’s an act of faith. It’s mentioned in the Old Testament—people gave parts of their crops, herds, flocks, and more to honor God.

2. Who started the practice of tithing?

Abraham was one of the first to tithe, giving a tenth to Melchizedek, king of Salem. This began a tradition followed by many after him.

3. Are there different types of offerings in the Bible?

Yes! There were burnt offerings for seeking forgiveness, sacrificial offerings to thank God, and secret giving to help others without seeking praise.

4. Did Jesus talk about tithing?

Indeed,—Jesus spoke about giving with generosity and warned against doing it for show. He emphasized that our hearts’ intention matters most when we give.

5. Why is tithing important according to the Bible?

Tithing is seen as fulfilling a duty towards God—showing trust in Him taking care of us., It’s also about helping others,, following Christ Jesus’ example of love and selflessness.

6. Can anyone tithe or make an offering?

Absolutely! The idea is not just limited to ancient times or certain people—it’s about everyone finding ways .to honor God through what they can share,, whether big or small.

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