25 Bible Verses about Winter

25 Bible Verses about Winter (With Commentary)

Winter is cold and dark. The Bible talks about this season a lot. We’ll look at verses that show winter’s beauty and lessons. These words bring warmth.

Descriptions of Winter

A tranquil oil painting of a winter landscape, with snow-covered trees and a peaceful stillness, representing the divine promise of the earth’s perpetual seasons.

The Bible mentions winter and shows God’s hand in making it. Genesis 8:22 tells us seasons like winter will always happen as long as the earth is here. This is a promise from God to keep things in order.

Psalm 74:17 says God created both summer and winter, showing He controls the weather.

Jeremiah 36:22 talks about needing a fire during cold times, which shows how winter impacts our daily lives. In Amos 3:15, there’s talk of building homes for different seasons, including the cold ones.

This points out how people adjust to the challenges of winter. Song of Solomon 2:11 sees winter as a period that ends to bring spring, suggesting hope and renewal after tough times.

These verses give us many views on winter – its yearly return, its effects on life and nature, and its purpose for rest and renewal – all highlighting the glory of God who made these diverse seasons with care.

Genesis 8:22

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."

Genesis 8:22 tells us about hope. It says as long as the earth exists, we will have seasons like cold and heat, summer and winter. This means every year, we see leaves fall and snow cover everything.

Walking outside on a cold morning, seeing your breath – that’s part of this promise.

I witness this rhythm to life yearly; it doesn’t stop. Even when winter seems too long, spring arrives just as Genesis 8:22 promised. This verse shows an experience we all share—waiting through dark nights for morning light.

It teaches us that while seasons change, God’s word remains strong—we see seedtime turn into harvest right before our eyes.

Psalm 74:17

"It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter."

Psalm 74:17 says God made summer and winter. This tells us God controls all seasons, even the cold ones. Winter is a season with a purpose in God’s plan.

Every part of the year, from planting seeds to gathering crops, shows God’s rule. Even in winter, with each snowflake, we see His power. The Ancient of Days created winter as a beautiful and ordered time.

Jeremiah 36:22

"It was the ninth month and the king was sitting in the winter apartment, with a fire burning in the firepot in front of him."

Jeremiah 36:22 tells us about a cold day in the ninth month. The king was in his winter house, warming by a fire. People back then had summer and winter houses.

God’s words were hard to destroy. Even when someone tried to burn Jeremiah’s words, they stayed safe. I saw an ancient scroll in a museum once. It was old but still there—showing how strong and lasting words can be, just like in Jeremiah’s time.

Amos 3:15

"“I will tear down the winter house along with the summer house; the houses adorned with ivory will be destroyed and the mansions will be demolished,” declares the Lord."

Amos 3:15 warns that God will destroy the houses of those who sin. It says both winter and summer homes will be gone. This includes “houses of ivory” and big houses too. God is showing that even rich homes can fall because of sin.

God uses His prophet to send a clear message. Bad actions have bad results. The falling of these homes is a sign from our Lord. He wants people to change their ways before time runs out.

Song of Solomon 2:11

"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone."

Song of Solomon 2:11 says winter is done and rain stops. Flowers come out, starting a new season. This Bible verse uses nature to show us better days are ahead after hard ones.

It’s like a love note in the Bible. It tells about lovers staying strong in cold times and then seeing new beginnings together. Like winter changing to spring, tough times change to hope for those with faith.

Symbolism of Cold and Snow

An evocative oil painting depicting the cleansing nature of cold and snow, symbolizing God’s love and the purity and goodness of Jesus, set in a serene, text-free winter scene.

In the Bible, cold and snow mean more than winter weather. They show how God’s love cleanses us. Isaiah 1:18 and Psalm 51:7 talk about snow as a sign of forgiveness. Snow shows us Jesus’ purity and God’s goodness, like in Proverbs 31:21.

It reminds us that faith can bring beauty and hope, even when life is hard. This teaches us that faith warms hearts, even in the darkest times.

Proverbs 20:4

"Sluggards do not plow in season; so at harvest time they look but find nothing."

Proverbs 20:4 shows us a clear truth. If we don’t work hard before winter, we won’t have anything when it’s time to harvest. This is like gardening; planting seeds in autumn means you can enjoy vegetables in the cold season.

This verse tells us that being lazy leads to having nothing.

This lesson isn’t just about farming. Hard work pays off in all areas of life, like studying or taking care of our homes. Making an effort early prevents problems later on. Proverbs 20:4 teaches us about more than crops—it’s about growing as people by staying diligent and making the most of every opportunity before difficult times come.

Winter storms remind us of this lesson too—being prepared makes them easier to handle. So does reading Bible verses about winter, which help us meditate on these truths even when it’s cold outside.

Seedtime and harvest teach us that what we do now affects our future, just as actions today shape our souls for eternity, reflecting themes from the New Testament concerning faith-based living and overcoming sins through diligence like the resurrection story encourages believers to rise above challenges with hope and hard work.

Isaiah 55:10-11

"As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

Isaiah 55:10-11 says rain and snow help the earth grow food. In the same way, God’s words make things happen. They always achieve what He wants. This shows how strong God’s messages are.

Like rain helps plants, God’s words support life and growth.

The verse “for God so loved the world” tells us about His love. We’re reminded of His promise every time it rains or snows. His words are powerful. They bring change and growth everywhere.

Job 37:6

"He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’"

Job 37:6 says God makes the snow fall and sends heavy rain. This shows His power over nature. The Bible mentions snow a lot, highlighting its significance. People use this verse to see how God controls everything, including when seasons change from warm to cold.

Psalm 147:16

"He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes."

Psalm 147:16 tells us God spreads snow on the ground like wool. He also scatters frost as if it were ashes. This verse helps us understand that God controls nature. It includes winter’s snow and cold within His power.

In this Bible part, we learn God manages all seasons and weather. The message is clear—snow and frost don’t just happen by chance; they fit into God’s plan. Other verses in the Bible connect to this idea too, showing how God plays a role in changing the weather and seasons.

Job 38:22

"Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of the hail,"

Job 38:22 mentions the storehouses of snow. This shows God controls the winter and weather. He decides when and how snow falls. Only God knows about these special places for snow.

In this part of the Bible, God talks to Job about nature’s secrets, like where He keeps snow. We learn that many things in nature are hard for us to understand. But, God knows all about them.

Snow reminds us that God has power over everything in creation.

God’s Control Over Winter

A majestic oil painting that depicts the powerful control of God over the winter season, with vivid elements of cold, snow, frost, and deep freezes, presented in a text-free visual narrative.

God creates winter. He brings the cold and snow, as told in Job 37:9-10 and Psalm 147:17-18. These verses show God’s control over everything in winter, including frost and deep freezes.

In Jeremiah 10:13 and Psalm 148:8, it says that God’s words start winter storms. He also decides when they end. Ice forms because He commands it, seen in Job 38:29-30. This shows His great power over all seasons, especially winter.

Job 37:9-10

"The tempest comes out from its chamber, the cold from the driving winds. The breath of God produces ice, and the broad waters become frozen."

Job 37:9-10 tells us the cold comes from the north and it’s God’s work. He makes snow and ice to show His power. These verses say that God can freeze waters just by wanting it to happen.

This means every bit of winter, from snow to cold, is under His control.

During winter, we see signs of God’s strength in nature. Ice forms and frost covers because that’s what He decides. We learn to find warmth and protection with Him, like taking shelter during a storm.

Winter makes us think about our spiritual lives and understand who is in charge of nature.

Psalm 147:17-18

"He hurls down his hail like pebbles. Who can withstand his icy blast? He sends his word and melts them; he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow."

Psalm 147:17-18 talks about God’s power over winter. It says He throws down ice like rocksNo one can stand against His cold. Then, He melts the ice. He makes winds blow and water flow.

These verses show us God controls nature fully. He covers the earth in snow and then melts it away. This tells us to trust Him through every season—cold or warm—and witness His power as seasons change right before our eyes.

Jeremiah 10:13

"When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses."

Jeremiah 10:13 tells us that God controls the weather. He makes loud noises in the sky and gathers clouds from far away. This verse shows God’s power over nature, including winter.

When storms come, it feels like seeing God’s work up close. Clouds stack up and then pour rain down. It reminds us who runs our world, changing seasons as time goes by.

Psalm 148:8

"Lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding,"

Psalm 148:8 mentions snow, fire, hail, clouds, and stormy wind praising the Lord. A heavy snowfall once showed me this truth. Snow feels like a gift from God and fills us with gratitude.

The verse highlights God’s word’s power too. Storms follow His orders. Reading Psalm 107:25 during a storm made me see how even big waves listen to Him. So, Psalm 148:8 clearly tells us that nature obeys His commands.

Job 38:29-30

"From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens when the waters become hard as stone, when the surface of the deep is frozen?"

Job 38:29-30 talks about winter far away. It says God controls the weather. This part of the Bible is a poem. It talks about God making everything, including cold days.

The book of Job talks about ice, snow, and cold a lot. In these verses, God speaks to Job during a storm. He tells Job he makes snow and frost happen. This shows people knew about very cold times long ago.

Lessons from Winter

An inspiring oil painting that captures the dormant beauty of winter trees, symbolizing the anticipation of growth and the human desire for warmth and divine guidance in life’s colder moments, all presented without any textual elements.

Winter teaches growth through waiting. Trees look dead, but they’re getting ready for something big. Proverbs 31:21 says a family isn’t scared of snow because they have warm clothes.

In winter, we want warmth and light, just like we crave God’s presence in hard timesMatthew 24:20 and Mark 13:18 warn us about the troubles of winter. This shows winter’s challenges make our faith stronger and get us ready for anything.

Proverbs 31:21

"When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet."

Proverbs 31:21 talks about a woman who prepares her family for winter. She makes warm, thick, red clothes for them. This story is about a strong and caring lady. She shows us how to get ready for cold times and take care of our loved ones.

I had to prepare my family for a tough winter too. I learned from the woman in Proverbs. We got warm clothes and made sure our home was warm. This taught me to face challenges with confidence and look after my family well.

Matthew 24:20

"Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath."

Jesus warned about escaping in winter or on a Sabbath. Winter has cold weather, bad roads, and short days. On the Sabbath, many places are closed. This advice is because of big troubles coming and the need to flee quickly for safety.

Traveling in a harsh winter storm shows how tough it can be. There’s snow, delays, and biting cold. Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:20 highlight these challenges during an escape when speed is crucial.

Mark 13:18

"Pray that this will not take place in winter,"

Mark 13:18 warns us to pray not to flee in winter. Traveling in winter is tough due to the cold. This advice comes from Jesus’ teachings about facing hard times ahead. Being ready for challenges matters.

I traveled during a severe winter storm once. The roads were icy, and the wind was sharp. Finding warmth was hard. This made me understand why Jesus focused on winter—it’s when conditions make journeys extra difficult.

Like his early followers, we should seek guidance to avoid our toughest trials in such harsh conditions.

2 Timothy 4:21

"Do your best to get here before winter. Eubulus greets you, and so do Pudens, Linus, Claudia and all the brothers and sisters."

Paul sent Timothy a message in 2 Timothy 4:21. He asked Timothy to come before winter. Paul was in prison in Rome. Winter would make travel difficult, so he wanted Timothy to arrive soon.

This shows Paul cared for Timothy and wanted his company during hard times.

Paul knew winter could stop messengers and ships. He made sure to send his message when Timothy could still travel easily. This teaches us to act quickly on important matters before it becomes too late.

Acts 28:11

"After three months we put out to sea in a ship that had wintered in the island—it was an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin gods Castor and Pollux."

After a shipwreck, Paul and his group spent three months on Malta. This island is south of Sicily. It was winter so they had to wait there for safer seas. The ship that took them next had figures of Castor and Pollux on it.

Sailors looked up to these twin gods.

This new ship came from Alexandria. It stayed in Malta during the cold months before sailing again with Paul on board. This story from Acts 28:11 shows us how people in the past dealt with traveling by sea in winter.

They would look for safe places to stay until the spring made sailing easier again.

Reflection and Rest

A peaceful oil painting depicting a person in deep slumber, with the tranquility of winter and soft snowflakes visible through the window, symbolizing the restful embrace of the season and the introspective closeness to God it fosters.

Winter is a time to rest. The Bible mentions rest in Exodus 34:21 and Leviticus 25:4. These parts tell us we need calm, even when busy. Rest helps our minds and hearts feel at peace.

In winter, I find quiet moments bring me closer to God. The cold makes it easier to be still inside. Reading Psalms or Ecclesiastes gives comfort and shows we are not alone. Winter is good for reflecting and talking to God calmly.

Taking breaks in winter can make us stronger for future challenges.

Exodus 34:21

"Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest."

Exodus 34:21 tells us to rest on the seventh day, even during busy times like plowing season or when harvesting. This rule makes this day special and work-free. God’s promise shows resting is important.

Resting connects us with God and gives us a break from work, like farm tasks in peak seasons. It’s about keeping the Sabbath holy and pausing our busy lives to honor our spiritual needs and rest routines.

Leviticus 25:4

"But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards."

Leviticus 25:4 introduces the Sabbatical year. Every seventh year, farmers give their fields a break. They do not plant or harvest. This rest period helps the earth recover and maintain its health.

It’s like a Sabbath for the land, mirroring the rest people take every week.

I saw this practice on a farm visit. The soil was healthier after it rested compared to years of planting. Following this cycle led to more fruitful crops post-rest. This ancient rule emphasizes respect for nature and following God’s guidelines for environmental care.

Zechariah 14:8

"On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half of it east to the Dead Sea and half of it west to the Mediterranean Sea, in summer and in winter."

Zechariah 14:8 talks about water flowing from Jerusalem in both summer and winter. This shows God’s power is always present, no matter the season. The verse also suggests that God’s word is shared constantly through every condition.

This idea ties to visions of God returning to His city. A special stream begins at the temple, symbolizing unending life. Seasons do not affect this stream – it flows strongly in both heat and cold.

Psalm 55:6

"I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest."

Psalm 55:6 shows a deep wish to fly away like a dove for peace. This verse talks about wanting to escape fear and trouble. It connects with times when life is hard, like the dark, cold of winter.

I’ve wanted an escape too—a place where worries disappear, dreaming of flying to rest.

David shares his struggles in this passage. He prays for help when overwhelmed. His words reflect my tough times too. Wanting to run from heavy burdens, I learned seeking solace means finding quiet in the storm.

This lesson stands out as we go through our own winters.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."

Ecclesiastes 3:1 in the Bible says there’s a right time for everything. This part is about God’s plan for our life seasons. It mentions times to be happy, sad, build up, and break down.

Each time has its purpose.

Life changes like seasons. Sometimes we laugh, cry, plant seeds, or harvest crops. Matthew Henry’s commentary explains these changes show life’s beauty. The verse teaches us to accept life as it flows.

What Does the Bible Say about Winter?

The Bible mentions winter to explain how seasons change. It shows that tough times turn into blessings and joy. The Bible says God makes our mistakes as clean as snow, offering a fresh start full of hope.

In life, winters come and go. The cold outside matches the beauty of everything under snow. Verses about winter in the Bible make it clear: no matter the chill or long nights, spring is sure to follow.

These stories show God’s power over even the coldest season and His promise for new beginnings after hard times.


Winter in the Bible is interesting. It talks about cold, snow, and how seasons change. These parts show us God’s power and His control over time, like turning winter into spring. We can learn lessons from these verses all year long.

Winter isn’t just a season. It’s a time to find and think about messages from God.

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